IC443 – The Jellyfish Nebula

This one I had to work hard for! Dealing with winds gusting to 30mph (which plays havok with the guiding system I use to keep my mount pointing at my target very accurately), I spent two nights capturing the data for this target.

I then spent 2 full days to process the result, trying to get the colours to balance in a pleasing way, trying to deal with the very bright star in the middle-right of the frame. I think I gave up and restarted the whole process at least three times before ending up with an image that I’m finally happy with (until the next reprocessing attempt!).

IC443 is a supernova remnant in the constellation Gemini.

Image Details:

  • Scope: William Optics FLT91
  • Mount: EQ6R Pro
  • Camera: ZWO 533MM Pro
  • Filters: ZWO 7nm HA/S2/O3
  • Integration Time:  42x 5min HA, 18x5min S2, 18x5min O3, 25x 5min Luminance


Click the image for the full resolution version